Perfect Prints Lovers + FriendsPerfect Prints Lovers + FriendsPerfect Prints Lovers + FriendsPerfect Prints Lovers + FriendsPerfect Prints Lovers + FriendsPerfect Prints Lovers + Friends

Wearing: Lovers + Friends Top | Lovers + Friends Shorts | Mango Sandals | Quay x Desi Perkins Sunglasses (s/o – similar here)

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Perfect Prints Lovers + Friends

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you all had a fun and safe holiday weekend with your friends and family! I spent the weekend in Newport, Rhode Island, which is absolutely gorgeous. My family and I used to go all the time when my brothers and I were little, but we hadn’t been in over 3 years. It was so nostalgic to return back to the place where I have most of my childhood memories. I will always have a warm and fuzzy feeling associated with RI, and I look forward to retuning back very soon.

I was so happy to celebrate the holiday and the two-year anniversary of Liv For Luxury there! It is such a patriotic town, with amazing sights and the freshest seafood! We stayed right on the Newport Harbor and decided to take a few pictures of my Fourth of July outfit right on the dock! This Lovers + Friends 2 piece set had a perfectly festive print and a girly silhouette. The movement of the tops front tie closure and the fluttering shorts gave a fun and flirty to the look!

Thanks again to all my followers for the love and support these past 2 years! I can’t wait to continue this journey with all of you and I look forward to seeing what the future has in store for Liv For Luxury!

Love Always,

Liv xx

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